Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy birthday Gramps (more face cake)

Allirah, Reese, Ruby & Rory make Gramps' birthday cake

Friday, July 9, 2010

In the shadow of supermums

A fellow mother of a new bub and a toddler said to me today that she almost has a panic attack whenever she has to leave the house with both her kids. I knew exactly what she was talking about and I honestly felt better for hearing her say it. Hearing others admit that they're challenged by parenting makes me feel that I'm not alone. To the parents who think that no-one wants to hear you whinge, that it's not going to achieve anything, let me tell you that your complaining gives me permission to vent too. It lightens the load and it builds a bridge between us.

Admitting that parenting is hard and that you don't have all the answers may make you feel vulnerable, but I think it's actually a strong thing to do. It shows you're not afraid of condemnation from those dreaded supermums. And you know what, I honestly don't think 'supermums' actually exist. The sooner we all admit that, the sooner we'll all get out of the shadow we imagine that they cast. And if we eliminate supermums, then all the rest of the mums with all their vulnerabilities, move up to supermum status.

I relish honest complaining and I'm a big believer in the value of venting. So if my blog makes anyone think I'm a little post-natal, please don't. And if my complaining helps any other mums out there feel that they're not alone, then all the better.

And to my kids: it is my hope that, when you're old enough to read back on your mother's blog, it will be the norm for mothers to share the woes of parenting, as well as the joys. As I look at my little Bugalugs lying on the floor pulling his own hair and screaming because he hasn't worked out how to let go yet; and Monkey Boy trying to kiss his own chin better after he wacked it on the cupboard, my heart is filled with warmth and love. And there's no way I'd swap that for an easier trip to the supermarket.