Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nothing so under-rated as a good poo

I never thought I would open a nappy with the same anticipation as Charlie opening a Wonka Bar - is it in there?

Our poor little baby Bugalugs goes days (almost a week) without 'movement'. You can tell how long it's been by his mood: getting crankier and crankier as he gets further away from the last one. And the quirkiest thing is that he's stopped pooing in his nappies, preferring to wait until he's bare bottomed. Maybe it's something about the cool air. It had been a record 5 days so he spent most of yesterday's waking hours lying with his bum out and his mum begging him to let it all go. He weed on my foot, he weed on his own head, but he finally got the job done and is now a happy baby again. Ahh the minutiae of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Lie him on his back and bend his knees to his belly. Ellie was the same. She gave birth to a poo every three or four days. Even now she is only every 2nd or 3rd day. Although now it's not such a drama. It falls out it's so ready to cone out!
